Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yesterday, shortly after I arrived at work, it started snowing outside. As it began to accumulate on the grass and even the parking lot, I began to make arrangements in case school let out early. Sure enough, a short time later, the call came from the school. Luckily, Grandpa was available, and he walked over to pick up the kids. Snow is a rarity here, so Megan and Nicholas were very excited and played outside twice while they were at Grandma and Grandpa's house (Grandma dried thier clothes in between!). Megan built a snowwoman,
and a little "snow friend,"
(Megan is wearing Grandma's coat --she probably didn't bring hers to school that day:)

and Nicholas practiced his marksmanship with snowballs against the fence. He built a little snowman and then slid down the hill to knock it over.

When we got home, a second snowwoman was created (isn't she cute?)

and Nicholas and the neighborhood boys had a snowball fight. Here's Nicholas accumulating his stash:

He's so proud!

Now we don't get much snow in Knoxville, so I can totally understand wanting to take advantage of the snow while it's here. What I don't get is, the next day, when it was about 25ºF and the snow was all frozen and crusty and you couldn't do ANYTHING with it, both kids still went out to play for a significant amount of time. And it was FREEZING outside. I guess it's the magic of snow.

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