Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lure Coursing in Powell, TN

So as many of you may know we are a greyhound family. We have three right now, and have had three more in the past. You can't get too far into the greyhound world without at least hearing about lure coursing. However, I had never actually seen it in person. So when I saw a blurb about a local lure coursing event in Powell, I knew I wanted to have a look.

It was just as cool as I had imagined, and I definitely recommend that you attend if you ever get the chance. This event was limited to sight hounds (cousins of the greyhound, like salukis, afghan hounds, whippets, and Rhodesian ridgebacks). There was a varying degree of expertise among the dogs. Some were driven, fast, and focused. Others liked to try a short cut or got off course altogether.

We learned that they are judged on 5 criteria: speed, follow, agility, endurance, and enthusiasm. It was very clear that both dogs and people were having a wonderful time.

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