Tuesday, October 14, 2008

As I have mentioned before, we have many trees in our yard which translates into a lot of shade. It is very hard to get a lawn to grow without a lot of effort and resources. However, we have many areas which have a nice mossy covering. While some people might be asking how to get rid of the moss, we decided to see if we could get it to spread over our bare areas. It turns out, moss lawns are not our original idea.

We decided to try a method we had read about online--making a slurry of buttermilk and moss and spreading it over the area in question.

First, you must harvest some existing moss.

Then, blend it up with some buttermilk. We actually used whey from a cheesemaking endeavor.

Here's the slurry after blending.

We poured it generously over the area and raked it to spread it out a bit.

Oh, and don't let your dogs lick the area for a while.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, we'll have a new moss bed to show!

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