Sunday, October 26, 2008

End of our vacation

On Saturday morning we left Chicago and headed south to Batesville, IN to visit our old friend Kelly and her family. We don't get to see them often enough, but it is always fun when we get together.

Here are Kelly and Andy.

And here are Kelly and Andy the way Andy would like you to see them!

After sizing each other up for a few minutes, Megan and Nicholas and Kelly's 3 daughters had a great time playing together. When it was bedtime, they all bedded down on the floor in the basement.

We spent the evening catching up with Kelly and her husband, Andy. It's nice to find out what they've been doing since we visited with them last. After a delicious lasagna dinner, the kids presented me with a yummy black-and-orange (for Halloween) birthday cake. It made me feel really special.

We also met Balto, their sweet dog (she's a girl, by the way.)

And, of course, the eight point buck, just back from his appointment with the taxidermist.

Notice how he watches over the kids as they play!

And what is that on Andy's head?

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